Lad - Noi
Assault - Assalt
Leniency - Indugència
Truce - Treva
Courage - Vlentia
Claim yhe right to - Reclamar el dret
Quell rebellion - Rebel.lió de valors
Insane - Boig
Negiotate - Negoci
Coward - Covard
To betray - per triar a algú
To stand up to some body - Posar-se dret algú
Rage - Ràbia
Svage - Salvatge
An Oath - Jurament
lad - just a boy
assault - to attack somebody
leniency - being not strict
truce - this means the opponents stop fighting
courage - being brave
claim the right to - somebody thinks he is granted something he should get it
quell rebellion - to put an end to a kind of war organized by a group of tormented people
insane - absolutely crazy
negotiate - to discuss with the others trying to reach a compromise
coward - a person who is not brave
to betray somebody - being dissloyal
to stand up to somebody - to show disagreement
rage - stato of mind, when somebody is furious
savage - usually a person who is not civilised but violent or wild
an oath - swearing to somebody
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