130 Years ago, the statue of liberty arrived in New York City. Come on a guided tour of thi symbolic monument...
This month, the statue of liberty is celebrating its 130th anniversary. For decades, it was the first thing that European immigrants saw after their long and perilous journery by sea a new life in USA. Today's Americans, the descendants of these immigrants, still consider the Statue of Liberty to be a symbol of hope, freedom and democracy.
There are 377 steps inside the Stetue of Liberty. Visitors can climb up to he crown or take an elevator half way. From thr 24 windows in the crown visitors can look down on the harbour!
The Statue represents Libertas, the roman goddess of freedon, in her flowing robes. She enlightens the world with her gold torch. She also holds a tablet with an important date, 4 july 1776. It's th day American declared its independence from Great Britian
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