vocabualry Robin Hood

Robin Hood


- Earl: Nobleman.
- Huntington: Town in east central England.
- Crusade: Christian military expedition.
- The Holy Land: The name given by Christian the modern.
- Harm: Hurt, do damage to
- Hiding place: Secret place where no one can find you.
- Horn:
- Bridge: ''Pont''
- Stream: Very small river.
- Branch: Part of a tree.
- Staff: long stick.
- Marry: Happy.
- Friar: Monk.
- Quarrel: Argument.
- Abbot: Head of an abbey.
- Wicked: Evil, Bad
- Maid: Young Girl
- Disguised; Change her appearance.
- Took off: removed
- Cowards: People who are not courageous.
- Naked: Nude, with no clothes
- Wildly: Without control
- Pesant: Person who works the land
- Crowd: A lot of people together
- Pale: Very white in the face
